Anyone who’s ever bought a high-quality fashion handbag knows how much of an investment it can be. When you’re putting such money into an accessory, you want to make sure that it stands the test of time.
Many people make the mistake of assuming that because something is expensive, it must be durable. However, it’s not always the case. Despite your handbag being “made of the finest materials,” you’ll still need to make sure that you take care of it. Take a look at some of the best tips for avoiding wear and tear and making your handbag last longer.
Don’t Overstuff It
We get it—you want to make sure that you’re prepared for any situation. From carrying your handgun to making sure you have wet wipes in a beauty emergency, it’s natural that you want to make sure that your handbag has anything you could ever need. However, it’s important that you learn the art of editing.
Overstuffing your purse can lead to degrading the quality of the zipper and wearing out the inner lining. Try to minimize what you carry around to reduce the amount of weight that you burden your purse with. Doing so will result in less deterioration over time.
Clean It
Your purse will thank you if you buy the right products to clean it with. Don’t even think about spraying regular cleaning products on your designer leather handbag. Instead, you should use special products made specifically for fine leather bags. It’s a good idea to clean your purse on a schedule. Not only will it preserve the leather, but it will give your purse a nice brand new-looking shine.
Don’t Throw Away Your Dustbags
You know when you first bought your purse, and it came with a dust bag? Hopefully, you didn’t throw that away!. Far too many people throw away their dust bags when they purchase a purse when, in fact, they are incredibly useful. If you tend to switch out your bags, it’s especially important that you keep the ones you’re not using in your dust bags to prevent the leather from losing its gleam.
Keep Liquids and Pens in a Zip Bag
It’s important that you keep any liquids like creams or perfumes in separate zip bags in your purse. All it takes is one leak to ruin the entire interior of your bag’s lining. The same goes for pens. It’s not uncommon for a leaky pen to stain your purse from the inside out. Not only will the purse be visually unappealing for the rest of its life, but if you plan on reselling your purse one day, it will knock down the price significantly.